Friends of MMCL
By becoming a Friend of MMCL you will help us to achieve our dream of providing quality music education, accessible to all young people regardless of their social and economic background.
Your contribution could pay for anything from clarinet reeds, violin or cello strings, repairs, help with tuition and examination fees, as well as residential courses designed to enhance the young people’s learning.
£5 a month
A personal thank you in all concert programmes and a regular newsletter
£10 a month
A personal thank you in all concert programmes and a regular newsletter
Two free tickets to our concerts
£25 a Month
A personal thank you in all concert programmes and a regular newsletter
Two free tickets to our concerts
A complimentary glass of wine for you and your guest before or after the concerts, with the opportunity to meet with the staff after a concert
£50 a Month
A personal thank you in all concert programmes and a regular newsletter
Two free tickets to our concerts
A complimentary glass of wine for you and your guest before or after the concerts, with the opportunity to meet with the staff after a concert
The opportunity to advertise on our website and concert programmes, and an invitation to attend a private rehearsal
Contact us.